
The essence of happiness — Dr. Qiang Yang on teaching computers and humans

Tara Chklovski: What research areas are you working on? Qiang Yang: I’m working on developing algorithms for machine learning. Machine learning is where you train a computer to do things that you do and are an expert at. The way we teach computers is by first generating lots of examples — this is known as […]

Working Together on Technology for Good: AI Learning Advice from Dr. Marie desJardins

As part of our ongoing AI In your Community series, I sat down with Dr. Marie desJardins, Associate Dean and Professor of Computer Science at University of Maryland Baltimore County, to learn about her artificial intelligence research and curriculum development. Marie was chosen to be one of the eight fellows at AAAI-18: the Thirty-Second AAAI […]

“A combination of curiosity and confidence”: A conversation with John Maloney

It sounded to me much like Etoys. Mitch planned to get Scratch out to large numbers of kids, initially  through the Computer Clubhouse network and then through an online website to as many people as possible. As he talked, I thought: “Oh, oh, oh! I can build that, I can build that!” Alan’s team had […]

The Creative Workforce of Tomorrow: A Conversation on AI with Katherine Barr

 A few weeks ago, I spoke with Founding Partner at Wildcat Venture Partners, Katherine Barr, about ideas that disrupt markets. Katherine is a board member for WorkFusion, an automation platform that uses artificial intelligence as a superpower to reduce time and costs spent on rote and repetitive enterprise tasks and elevate people to complete more […]

Children and Families Solving Problems Using AI: A Conversation with Paul Yarin

Tara: What inspires you? Paul Yarin: I am inspired by complicated problems and people who successfully navigate the complexity of the world. It could be a technical product, company, or movement in the arts. How did electronic dance music become such a thing? Or the electric guitar and rock ‘n’ roll? As a collection of […]