We value freedom, ownership, hard work and learning.

We ask a great deal of the students, parents and professionals who participate in our programs, and we ask the same of ourselves as individuals and as an organization. These are our values:


We constantly ask questions to deepen our understanding of the world around us, and we stay inquisitive about the problems we are trying to solve.


We regularly step out of our comfort zones in order to grow. We aren’t afraid to try new things, to take risks or to fail.


We stay focused on our goals; we embrace change, adapt quickly and stay positive in the face of challenges. We never give up on ourselves, each other or the families we serve.


We enthusiastically explore new ideas, creating original and inventive content. We believe in finding creative solutions to big problems.


We believe in lifelong learning centered in a growth mindset. We constantly strive to deepen our skills. We stay abreast of leading educational research, and we use technology wisely to maximize the reach of our organization.


We learn as a family; we believe that everyone can learn and participate in STEM. By engaging parents and sharing knowledge and tools, we support each family’s learning. As a team, we cooperate, share responsibility and empower each other to be decisive and take action.


We are ethical, open and reliable. We use data to evaluate our programs and impact, and we represent the results honestly. We believe that sharing our successes and shortcomings freely and openly allows others to learn from us.


We seek out and promote diversity of backgrounds, demographics and perspectives. We create programs and spaces that are dedicated to underrepresented and underserved audiences. We actively promote diversity and equity in STEM education and STEM fields.